Memorial Day Weekend, Sixth Anniversary, Related Reading

This weekend is the sixth anniversary of the lovely Ann being chained to my bad self in holy matrimony. We will be going to an undisclosed location on the coast well away from intertubes, blawgospears, and the like, there to laze away our time with beaches, balconies, tidal pools, good beer, great food, and lots and lots of reading. I'm taking the books shown above (Charles Baxter's Burning Down the House, the first two books of Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet, and the special birds volumeof Conjunctions), while Ann's taking Jack O'Connell's Box Nine, Jon Fasman's The Geographer's Library, and Mary Doria Russell's Dreamers of the Day.There will be no further blogging until Tuesday-Wednesday, so in the meantime, tell me: What're you doing with your weekend, whether you're in the US or elsewhere? And feel free to pimp your latest projects here, too...


US Macmillan Page for Shriek


Books Received--May 22 (Superheroes and Fashion)