Matt's Bookosphere 6/5/08

Dave Golder reviews "The Grin of the Dark" by Ramsey Campbell.Bookninja guides you on a tour of his personal library.Tasha Robinson reviews "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow.G. Christopher Williams interviews Patrick Rothfuss.A discussion of Philip Roth's "Everyman."Galleycat: is a new generation taking over big publishing?You ordered Elizabeth Genco's "Blue" yet?Terri Windling has a new website: gorgeous work!Keith Phipps tackles Cordwainer Smith's "Space Lords.""Sausage Writerly Links" fresh of Steve Bucheit's grill.(MORE!)Chris Mautner: "Genre films and books are no longer a minority interest. They top the bestseller lists and popularity polls: we are all geeks now.""I outgrew was the gateway to quality science fiction."Developing your fantasy world's historyNinteteen year-old author is the next - WAIT FOR IT - J.K. Rowling!Paulo Coelho on Jorge Luis-Borges, hookers and priest.Balzac's "Duchess of Langeais" adapted for film by Jacques Rivette.A review of "Regeneration" by Pat Barker.Nancy Kress on dealing with interruptions in your writing routine.Chuck Palahniuk's rules for writing short stories.Learning the Trade: research and fantasy fiction.Very cool SF/Fantasy/Horror conference to be held at University of Glamorgan: Jasper Fforde, Tim Lebbon, Rhys Hughes."Ghost in the Machine Podcast" to feature "Punktown" author Jeffrey Thomas.Blurbing "Bones of Barbary Coast."What? No Jack Vance? How else has your taste in books changed, Australian man? New "Bond" book Penguin's fastest selling hardcover ever.Best bookstores to visit while on vacation.Interview with Hal Duncan.You ready for ArmadilloCon?Let's snoop through a stranger's bookshelf with Flavia!What is non-genre SF?Who are the authors that you with whom you would like to share dinner?Visit author Martin Millar on MySpace.Doctor Who and Harlan Ellison connection?Things go full circle for author Michael Jasper in a bit of sweet nostalgia.A deft dissection of the swords-and-sorcery subgenre.Someone help this guy find some more decent fantasy books to read.Weird Tales: Virgil Finlay"Jay Lake and the Macaroni Monkeys of Uranus."Good review of Elizabeth Bear's "Dust."Lou Anders interview on "Sideways," a book of alternate mysteries.


Matt's Bookosphere 6/6/08


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