It's a "viscous" world out there

(Posted by Matt Staggs)All of these are quotes pulled from internet articles, news sites, forums and blog posts. The vicious/viscous spelling error is one of my personal favorite kinds of misspellings.Maybe I'm the only one who gets a snicker out of the image of someone being pursued by some kind of goo-dog. For the record, I have not checked my rat terrier's viscosity, and do not plan on doing so.(SNIPS:)

I'll definitely go and look over your rules with a fine-toothed comb. ;) I've got 9 years experience with a pretty viscous rules lawyer and this should be good.

Viscous Dog Attack!!!

Her human decided he didn't want her any more because she wasn't mean, viscous or aggressive enough. He wanted a dog who would attack humans. Guard his house. A viscous killer.

Internet Marketing, The Viscous Cycle and A Way Out

Weatherman Warns Of Viscous Storm Tonight and Tomorrow

I don't have time to have fun in this cruel viscous world we live in because I'm here to save lives.

Man remanded in custody over viscous attack

The game maker revealed that the lead character is on a course to (eventually) assassinate "The Jackal", a viscous arms deal profiteering from the civil war in the central African state that forms the new game's epic backdrop.


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings - Sweded!


Caitlin R. Kiernan on King Kong and H.P. Lovecraft