Story Accepted for Songs of the Dying Earth (doin' a little dance)

Gardner Dozois and George R.R. Martin just took my story "The Final Quest of the Wizard Sarnod" for their anthology Songs of the Dying Earth. It'll be out from Tor in the US, and HarperCollins Voyager in the UK, with two limited editions from Subterranean Press and several foreign-language sales in the works. Other contributors include Robert Silverberg, Kage Baker, Liz Hand, etc. You can find more information on the Subterranean Press page for the two limited editions here, including the very cool cover art. (They still haven't put my name in the contributor list, but I would imagine that'll be corrected soon.)A couple of thoughts. First, it's really a pretty diverse and wonderful world when I can be in both this anthology and something as different from it as Black Clock 9, edited by Steve Erickson. (For more info, click here. Other contributors include Lethem and Evenson.)Secondly, I'd just like to thank both Dozois and Martin for the experience. There was a rewrite involved before acceptance, and I learned a lot from their comments. It's a good day when you can pick up some additional insight into your fiction and get an acceptance in the bargain. Dozois gave me my first professional fiction sale back in the early 1990s, and I've been reading Martin since I was a kid, so it's also important to me for that reason.


Star Ship Sofa Podcasts "Secret Life"


EURO CUP 2008!