Books Received, er, Recently

I'll be resuming the daily books-received post as Here's what I've received recently, with a few comments.Note the nonfiction book by Brooks Hansen, author of the classic The Chess Garden, among others.Two books I probably won't review, but are in really cool ARCs. I'll probably pair them up for a brief Amazon feature. (Note: No, I don't have girl cooties. I just have too many deadlines. Here's a comment from one of the authors. Um, why would she want me to review a book I probably wouldn't like, given that I can instead give her a very positive feature? I can't love everything. No one can. I guess the lesson is not to comment at all on any of this.)Disturbing new trend? Use Romance novel cover techniques, like photo-realism, to sell fantasy books? Will it sell loads? Probably. Is it a pleasing cover? No. Not to me.This looks really well put-together.


Them Bats Is Smart--They Got Radar


Amazon Post on John Domini