New Recommended Books Added to Sidebar

I've added five new books to the right-hand sidebar. If you click on the images and happen to order them as a result, this poor glad-handling freelancer gets a few coins.The books are: Tin House (fantastic women issue), Doctor Grordbort, A Lovecraft Retrospective, The Cold Spot, and then, just 'cause, our Steampunk antho.What do Tin House, Doctor G, the Lovecraft artbook, and The Cold Spot, a noir thriller, have in common? To my mind, they're all four about excellence in execution. Each is about as good a book as it could possibly be for what it is trying to achieve. The fantastical women Tin House issue is one of the strongest anthologies of bleeding-edge fantasy I've read in a long time, beautifully laid out. Doctor G is a marvelous manifestation of steampunk retro. The Lovecraft artbook is another example of severe imagination and creativity put at the service of the book. (Few could possibly conceive of putting together such a huge and monstrously heavy art tome). The Cold Spot has as much rough poetry to it in its violence-riddled pages as those of Tin House in a different context and approach.Pop culture, genre, and the literary mainstream are each internally fragmenting due to the internet and other modern technology that allows for subcultures within subcultures. At the same time, this fragmentation means that barriers and boundaries are more permeable. Reading tastes are this way; cultures and gatekeepers should be this way as well. Thus, Tin House meet Cold Spot, and Cold Spot, meet Doctor G. Cheers--and a round of beers for all.


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