Polluto 2 Brings the Strange

Polluto 2 is here, featuring all forms of new oddness in an attractive package. This includes perhaps the finest interview I've ever given. Excerpts below. (The whole interview has been posted on their site, as well.)If you could assassinate one political figure in history, hump a second and be a third, which would they be?That’s a dangerous question, given my immediate thought, in the hypothetical. So instead: I think I’d assassinate whoever was responsible for putting the corporations in charge—or slaughter anyone who’d ever had anything to do with making the combustion engine possible. (And don't tell me they’re not political!) As for hump, I'm a married man. Even if I went into the past, I think it’s retroactive. But, hypothetically, Catherine the Great? I dunno. It is not a question I spend hours obsessing over in my basement office stuffed full of dead animals in formaldehyde jars, the many, many taxidermed frogs, and the old newspapers covering the skeletons of fish who have failed miserably to find roles in my little Real Animal Puppet Theater, which is in the sub-basement under the basement. (I am dismayed that the audience for my art has dwindled to three earthworms, a caged capybara, and the husk of my dead cousin.) As for who I would be if I had my druthers, I would be Saladin, a personal favorite, or I would be whichever Byzantine Emperor was most adroit at staving off the predations of the barbarians, despite having only diplomacy and guile at his disposal.Suppose a giant jellyfish descended upon the Earth today and covered the United States. What would you do?I would probably move to Canada or Australia. I would not like the textural surround-jelly experience of even walking outside to get the newspaper. I’ve never been fond of jello, living or inert. To live inside of a bubble of it all the time would get tiring. As would the constant raging pain from the stingers.


Zoran Zivkovic's New "Blog"


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