This American Life on Showtime and E-Books

In an odd confluence of chance, I was just about to post about how This American Life on Showtime has been sooo much better in its second season than its first when I get an email from Michael Phillips, who was featured in this episode.Phillips has to read off of a screen and was inquiring about e-book versions of City of Saints and Shriek. In a general sense, it's another good reason to make sure your work is available in electronic form of some kind. Although I'm wedded to the idea of the physical book as an artifact and work of art, that's not at the expense of taking advantage of paperlessness. In addition to e-books from publishers, I'll next year no doubt release some earlier books electronically under creative commons.Anyway, this season of This American Life as a TV show has been a lot more satisfying. I don't know if anyone saw the episode where they had an transplanted Iraqi setting up an "ask me" booth around the US, but that was also a great episode.Michael, btw, apparently has a penchant for the quirkier stuff, as he also has read Jonathan Carroll and Michael Cisco.


Friday Night Videos: Origami Book Contest


Amazon: Mr. Fooster and Life in the Balance