Meme: Global Blogosphere Amnesty Week (for Apologies)

Matt Staggs has an excellent post here about the need for sincerity and transparency in this era of the internet and social media. One of his major points is: "Make any necessary apologies. Yes, mom was right. A sincere apology is the best tool that you have in your crisis communication toolbox."I think we've really come to see apologies as a sign of weakness, when they're actually a sign of strength. So, here's an idea. Although Matt's talking about the immediate response to a specific screw-up or mistake, let's make this more general. I don't really have the authority to do this--who does?--but I'm hereby declaring this week, through Sunday, Global Blogosphere Amnesty Week (for Apologies). Which is to say, if you have something to apologize for, whether serious or funny, I hope that under the cover of this meme you can do it without much recrimination. (Er, assuming you aren't apologizing for putting babies on spikes.)Have I got regrets I'd like to apologize for you? You bet, so I'll start with just three:(1) I apologize for ever having responded to any negative reviews except in the context of correcting errors of fact. And hope to restrain myself in future.(2) I apologize to Strange Horizons reviews editor Niall Harrison for being waaay too bitchy and critical of SH reviews in comment threads.(3) I apologize to Ann for any time I've unnecessarily stretched the limits of her godlike patience.There. That wasn't too hard. Now you try, on your own blawg. (It's only a week long because we will otherwise all throw up a little in our mouths from all the goodwill.)


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