Jack O'Connell Week: What Are Your Favorites?

As Jack O'Connell week continues, I'd like to know if you have a favorite O'Connell novel. Not having read Word Made Flesh, I can't comment on that novel, but I do very much love Box Nine and The Resurrectionist in particular. Box Nine for its rare ability to truly make the modern world weird and surreal. The Resurrectionist for its ability to make us care about the land of dreams. (My thoughts on O'Connell's latest can be found in my Washington Post review of the novel.)So, let's have it readers: Do you have a favorite?(Brought to you by the miracle of pre-scheduled auto-posting. There is indeed a ghost in the machine.)


Jack O'Connell Week: Kelly Shaw's "Working Hard for Weird Fiction"


Jack O'Connell / Resurrectionist Week: O'Connell on His "Baptism"