Jesse Bullington Sells Brothers Grossbart Novel to Orbit

My apologies for breaking in here for a second, but...Readers of this blog may remember my post about a remarkable novel by Jesse Bullington. Jesse had had trouble getting an agent, so I not only wrote about the book, I also reproduced an excerpt. As a result, Jesse got an agent--Sally Harding--and now that agent has gotten him a publisher. The Brothers Grossbart has been picked up by Orbit Books.Jesse would have gotten published anyway I'm sure, but this blog was able to provide the positive effect of greatly shortening the entire process. That's what makes me the most happy re about the situation because sometimes the length of that process, especially for a book that doesn't fit a neat sales pitch, can sap the will of writer. It becomes an endurance game and a test of one's self-belief.So...Community. Transparency. A sense of play. Being serious when you need to be. Being generous to other creative people because it's the right thing to do. That's what I want this blog to be about. Every time I get a little depressed by the ass-hattery I sometimes see across the blogosphere, I realize I've got the ability, in my little corner of it, to be positive, to be a place where people want to come for good conversation, interesting news, and creative fun. Thanks to all of you to contributing to that positive atmosphere--and congrats again to Jesse.Okay, now back to regular programming. Kathy Sedia has a great post on smells/perfume upcoming...


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