Howdy, and welcome to me.

Hey, all, I'm Minister Faust, and I'm grateful to Jeff for giving me the chance to talk to all of you. Hopefully I'll be able to get some interesting responses from all of you, since I'm planning not only to blab, but ideally to ask questions and gain information.Let's get started.I'm curious to know what people's general experience is, wherever you live, of dealing with staff at Geek Squad? In E-Town I frequently shop at Best Buy, and I'd say that staff in general is polite, friendly and helpful. The Geek Squad dudes are another kettle of silverfish entirely, unfortunately. I recognise that some of them, especially the over-45 group, are probably disappointed to be working where they are, and hell, if you don't enjoy your job, it's tough to enjoy life. But what gets me is the degree to which some of these guys seem determined to inflict their lack of joy on customers via condescension and dismissive behaviour.What I really want to hear from you is that, no, where you are, the Geek Squad staff are nice and friendly and helpful. In fact, over the course of this week, for every rant I might give, I'm hoping you can inspire me and keep up my faith in humanity. So when I throw a negative at you, please swat it back with a positive charge, all right?Anyway, let me know your experience.


Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds


Minister Faust: Guest-blogging on Ecstatic Days (Sept. 8-12)