Feelings about the words "geek" and "nerd"
I've never cared for these terms, and I know many folks in fandom have long-since felt these words were reclaimed. Personally, I've never been fond of lexical reclamation... too much effort in my opinion needs expending, and in the case of "nerd" and another n-word, the words didn't belong to the target group in the first place. The words were always weapons. So they can't actually be reclaimed, only claimed. So why bother?"Geeks," the circus people who bit the heads off chickens, were targets of scorn. They were set up to be freaks. So some jerks targetted fans----people who use their minds, who engage in ideas, who imagine futures, who are often artistic and creative, who may be effective organisers as with producing conventions----these people get labelled derisively.And by whom? By people who spend their entire income on the vanity of clothes and makeup? By the type of people who paint themselves red and orange and sit in cold stadia with their shirts off? Who are they to condemn us? Far as I'm concerned, they're the real geeks.
Okay, got that rant done. I expect there'll be disagreement on this one, and I welcome it. Let's hear your thoughts.