What kind of president would Sarah Palin be?

Frank Rich writes the following:"What kind of president would Sarah Palin be?"It’s an urgent matter, because if we’ve learned anything from the G.O.P. convention and its aftermath, it’s that the 2008 edition of John McCain is too weak to serve as America’s chief executive. This unmentionable truth, more than race, is now the real elephant in the room of this election."No longer able to remember his principles any better than he can distinguish between Sunnis and Shia, McCain stands revealed as a guy who can be easily rolled by anyone who sells him a plan for 'victory,' whether in Iraq or in Michigan. A McCain victory on Election Day will usher in a Palin presidency, with McCain serving as a transitional front man, an even weaker Bush to her Cheney."The ambitious Palin and the ruthless forces she represents know it, too. You can almost see them smacking their lips in anticipation, whether they’re wearing lipstick or not."This was made clear in the most chilling passage of Palin’s acceptance speech."Then see Matt Damon, who is a smart guy, drastically underestimate Sarah Palin because a few weeks ago, so did we all.


Sarah Palin is merely Greg Stillson with lipstick


I wish I could take credit for this, but someone sent it to me and I couldn't resist