Whatever Happened To...

When I was a teen, and plowing my way through every F&SF book I could lay my hands on, I found that I loved some writers more than others: Tanith Lee, Michael Moorcock, C.J. Cherryh...and a slew of others. Many of them I can still find on the shelves nowadays, but one fairly prolific fantasy writer whose work I actively looked now seems to have vanished into the abyss: Thomas Burnett Swann.Swann drew heavily on mythology, but scattered it with his own creations, and produced slim little books, usually illustrated by George Barr, that always struck me as an interesting universe in which to place a fantasy role-playing game, with its melange of intelligent races. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm realizing they influenced the fantasy world of Tabat, where I've placed one novel and about a dozen short stories, several decades later.One of the things I liked about them was that they showed homosexual relationships without the heavy overlay of Guilt, Sin, and Brimstone that other books of the time possessed (if they acknowleged it existed at all) and moved away from the relentless (and at times freakish, at least to my teenage perception) heterosexuality of some of the others of their time (for example, John Norman's Gor series). They were NICE books, enjoyable fantasy, about characters that one cared about, and the villains sometimes were people who had just made the wrong choice along the way.Did I miss the reason why Swann has vanished into the Land of Out of Print Authors? Was he just a little too ahead of his time? Why haven't any of these been reprinted? Was I the only person charmed by them?


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