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As of right now, Ecstatic Days is under ninja law.Not in a bad way, mind you. I’m not here to install an oppressive regime and take away your liberties, hell no. I come in peace. See?As a gesture of my good will, I’ve worn white so as to stand out from my surroundings and not inadvertently sneak up on and scare the bejeezus out of you. White is also the colour of peace. Andfuneralsandweddingsandtableclothesbutwhatever.That aside, I am not here without a purpose.It has come to our attention that in the eternal feud between ninjas and pirates, pirates are getting more than their fair share of attention. Yes, Jack Sparrow is mighty fine, but come on, seriously now, his halo of awesomeness has spread further than can be realistically justified. Pirates just aren’t all that. No, really, they’re not. There’s certainly no call to go about dedicating entire anthologies to them.Pfft. Look at ‘im. What a tosser.Therefore, it is only my duty to rectify this gross imbalance and enlighten you as to the supremely blisteringly supanova awesomeness of the ninja when compared to some poxy hairy pirate with bad breath and sweaty palms. Let the re-education begin!




Goodbye and Thank You!