Ninja# b. Er, I think they have some brains in the store, I’ll just go check for you…

You back away from the zombie towards the store. The automatic door hisses open behind you. Bugger. Why couldn’t it be a swing door, easy to barricade and what not? There be no shelter here. Plenty of other targets for the zombie to choose from, though.The zombie cowboy shuffles after you, with the intense focus of a puppy having discovered someone eating ham.A stormtrooper emerges from the store, a sticker bearing the logo of a security company stuck crookedly on his arm. He looks at you. He looks at the zombie cowboy. He looks at you. You shrug.He sighs, and muttering something about not being able to find good trolley boys these days, he blasts the zombie cowboy. It doesn’t jolt the zombie, but sets it on fire. The zombie doesn’t notice this at all.The stormtrooper security guard appears to have had practice with this particular scenario, and proceeds to stroll away, making sure the zombie is following him, and keeping the zombie’s attention while it burns up.The smell is kinda gross. You make to finally, at last, enter the damn store.A second stormtrooper taps you on the shoulder. “You mind telling me what happened to our trolley cowboys?”

a. SMOKE BOMB. NINJA VANISH.b. Dude, I’m just here for milk.c. QUICK DRAW SHURIKEN!




Pirate # b. My name isn’t “Brian”, you’ve got the wrong pirate!