Greetings people of Earth!

Hello! I’m the other half of The Finnish Invasion, Jukka Halme, but you can call me The Ammazzing Dandruff-Boy in case of emergency. Call me especially if the evil superduo of Head & Shoulders makes appearance. I’ll be sure to make a quick dash and replenish the missing dandruff, if needed. Just yawp, you know, all Walt Whitman -like.

Yes, erm, well… What to say? I read Tero’s previous instalments and while doing so, made approving mumbles and grunts. This is very much Finnish fandom. We’re surprisingly co-operative and generally well-behaving, whether we’re science fiction or fantasy fen, readers or watchers, catchers or pitchers, or even – ghaps! – larpers, animefans, furries or just plain fetishists.

Tero will eventually write more about fandom and its history, while I guess my role here is to be a bit more outré, talk a bit more about our domestic authors and all those little things in life that give us joy and pleasure. Like football (the one that is played with ones feet, with a ball) and books.

Introductions are often difficult. Like I’m finding this here now. I look what Tero wrote and realise that most of the things he says, apply almost word for word for me. We came into Finnish fandom at the same time (late 80’s), are married with fandom sweethearts (we don’t have a girl or parakeets, but two dogs, Myy and Martti) and run cons. I work for the city of Helsinki as a proud bluecollar and do freelance editing and reviewing for that special extra cash that puts that nice fromage on top of the bread. I write articles and whatnots for couple of magazines, including the Helsinki SF Associations magnificent Tähtivaeltaja, which been mentioned here a few times by Jeff, too.

Besides writing, one of the more time consuming hobbies of mine is con organising. Tero mentioned Finncon, which is the national sf-con that has been arranged since 1986, and which is currently an annual event. This year we were, for the first time ever) in Tampere, but next year sees the show again back at home, in Helsinki. I was the Chair in 2006, the previous time Helsinki hosted the event, with some really great Guests of Honours, including the likes of Justina Robson, Risto Isomäki (of whom more at some later date) and The Jeff VanderKahoona Experience. I’m one of the main organisers next year as well, with GoH’s the caliber of George R. R. Martin and Alastair Reynolds already on board. By the time we can kick the last people out of the Kaapelitehdas in 12th of July, I’ll be forwarding my application for Retirement Home for the Fully-served Veterans of the SF-fandom.

I’m currently editing couple of reference books on Historical Writers and appearing in chamber opera “Ihminen on ihmiselle koira (A Man is a Dog for a Man) – an opera in four acts”. And when I say chamber opera, I mean an orchestra of two. It’s a modest production, but real fun to do. "And what is it about?", I hear little Horia from Romania asking? Well, I’m glad you asked, Horia!

“A Man is a Dog for a Man” is a feel good family romcom/opera for all those in search of good, quality entertainment. Our protagonist is a young man, called Diogenes of Sinope, who wants to be a philosopher and is looking for a proper mentor. He finds one called Antisthenes, who teaches him few cheap tricks and sleight of hands. The 3rd Act is a real barnburner, where or hero meets the legendary freedom fighter Plato, who cynically tests Diogenes and finds him lacking. In the 4th Act the audience may expect a barrel of laughs, when Diogenes meets the great Alexander himself (played by Yours Truly). Laugh-Out City!

“But pray tell Mr. Halme is there even a feeble link to science fiction or anything with all this?” I hear someone exasperate. Glad you asked, Dear Reader! In fact, the way Diogenes died has often been linked to him eating foul squid! Is there no shame for Mr. VanderMeer and his constant propensity to spout the Squid ideology? Ahem. We had our third rehearsals today and the Premiere is only next Saturday. So if you don’t happen to have anything else to do then, why not find yourselves in Helsinki at 8PM? That’s +2GMT. Hmm?

Before I go for tonight (it’s nearly 3AM here), I’d like to thank Jeff for this opportunity once more. I guess one of the reasons was the fact that this week is the election week over there at the States and no-one else was ready, willing and able to do anything else besides electing the Next Grand Cowboy of them United States. Understood and approved, in which case we might get away with shome sherious shenanigans in here. My work here for today is done. See you next time!

P.S. If someone knows where the Doctor is, give him hullo!, and tell that TARDIS is OK and currently situated in our balcony. Ta!


Finnish Fandom: Conventions


Finnish Fandom: an Overview