Quick Intro

Welcome to Monday, everyone.  Ready for another week of guest blogging?  I knew you would be!I was so excited when Jeff asked me to guest blog here and I've been a little nervous about what to write -- after all, you're used to an extremely high caliber.  I hope I can measure up.I have some fun posts planned for you so far, and I'm sure something is going to come along and make me mad this week, as something always does.  Everyone seems to love it when I get mad.  I aim to please.Just a quick introduction, if you don't know much about me: As Jeff said, I'm an SF/F writer.  I recently had a story published in Strange Horizons and I'm in the midst of writing a children's book.  I also spend a lot of time blogging (now as part of my day job, score!) and I'm probably most well known for The Angry Black Woman, a blog I started and now share with two other fine writers.And that's pretty much all that's interesting about me.  Except the number of paramours I keep in the basement, but that's a post for another day...


The Plight of the Clueless Writer


K. Tempest Bradford--Guestblogging Dec. 8-12