When Steampunk Goes Horribly, Horribly Wrong

Though I have my issues with Steampunk-the-aesthetic-movement, I do love me some steampunk gadgets.  I love anything with an awesome design.  However, methinks that this steampunk modder is a bit out of his mind:

Cool steampunk mouse... with actual mouse bones. Not even replicas.  Actual. Bone.It's not just gross, it also looks painful.  To use this device you must repeatedly stab your palm with mouse spine.  And you know how it will all turn out -- the shards will work their way into your bloodstream allowing the spirit of the mouse to take over your body and go on an anger-filled rampage against a world that treated it so ill.Friends don't let friends use actual mouse bones for steampunk thus causing the mouse-spirit-inflicted apocalype!(via Gizmodo, where else?)


Dear Genre Fiction Writers: Quit This Sh*t


The Plight of the Clueless Writer