Booklife Now, 12/19: From Marvel's Chronicle to Cherie Priest's Fathom, Gilman's Gears to Graham's Isis

(The books I've received in recent months that I've put aside for personal enjoyment.)After a great deal of thought, I've decided I prefer a regular weekly photo-listing of all the books I've received for that week. (You can also visit the flickr set.) So, every Friday between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. EST, you can expect a Booklife Now post. In general, this will be the last post on Fridays so that I won't be distracted from coming by to join in any discussion.That's because I'd love for this to become a forum for conversation about the books pictured. And sometimes (when less busy), I'll start off that conversation in the post itself. But to that general end, I would love to know which of these you've been feverishly waiting for, which you think might surprise me if I give them a chance, and any other commentary you'd like to provide.I'd also like to welcome the authors of the books to drop by and give their comments. Therefore, let me invoke them by listing their names, in no particular order: George R.R. Martin, Iain M. Banks, Dan Simmons, Walter John Williams, Jo Graham, Bill Kelter, Wayne Shellabarger, Sylvia Kelso, Alvaro Uribe, Atwater-Roades, Faith Erin-Hicks, Daniel Suarez, David Sherman, Dan Craig, Trudi Caravan, Peter Crowther, John Grant, Douglas Smith, Ray Bradbury, Darrell Schweitzer, Cherie Priest, Felix Gilman, John Meaney, M. John Harrison, Jordan Summers, T.A. Pratt, Jaye Wells, Patricia Rosemoor, Marc Paoletti, Steve Aylett (The Caterer), Gavin and Kelly (eds.), Ian McDonald, James Morrow, Sam Savage, David Marusek, Toni Jerrman, Trese, and Gerry Alanguilan. (In future I may actually drop some of them emails with a formal invite to comment.)


Heaven? Hell? Calendar? 2009?


Amazon Features: Graphic Novels, Holly Phillips