Movie Watching This Week

In addition to the 60 in 60 trial by fire and football, I'll be watching movies this week to unwind. Thus far, The Cleaner (B minus thriller), Wisdom of Crocodiles (bizarre serial killer surrealness with Jude Law pissing people crystals), Edmond (William F. Macy in Mamet scripted descent into madness--pretty darn good), and Across 110th Street (70s thriller semi exploitation flick with Anthony Quinn about stolen mob money--mostly good). Upcoming: Kung Fu Panda, Wall-e, Hancock, Miss Pettigrew, second X-files movie, John Adams miniseries, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and, ahem, Baby Mama. Frankly, this is the week where I like to turn off my brain, so I need antidotes to the 60 in 60....Also read a novel coming out in April that I highly recommend: Castle by J. Robert Lennon. Kind of Heart of Darkness meets Evenson/Kafka and current events. Remarkable in its psychological study of the main character.


Luis Rodrigues--Thanks


60 in 60: #10 - Paine's Common Sense (Penguin's Great Ideas)