Happy Squidmas

Happy Hannukahmass/Christsquid/etc...er, happy holidays. I hope this is a calm and happy time for all of you, and thanks for reading. I would love to hear what you are all doing today, or what you did as a kid.Me, as a kid in the Fiji Islands, our tree was a surly squid atop a palm tree, with franjipani flowers instead of lights. We would drink our yongona spirits and eat our pork in coconut leaves, and hire a Somoan actor to play Santa Claus and pretend to come down a chimney that wasn't there. Then we would take a ride on the sea turtles brought to my mom for her biological illustrations, and watch movies my dad brought from the Univ. of the South Pacific. Alas one time he didn't vet them properly and me and my friends were subjected to a kangaroos as pests snuff flick with machine guns issued by the Aussie government. Mostly, though, I remember driving high into the mountains (volcanic isle remember) to a cabin where you could almost see snow sometimes and there were solemn looking kingfishers on telephone wires and scads of yucca plants. Also remember firewalking one time, but that's another story...especially as I just discovered all of my mom's old slides from back then and will be converting them to digital...


Finchy Excerpt 2


Luis Rodrigues--Thanks