Dec. 21-27: 60 in 60 Week in Review

Visit Omnivoracious every Saturday for a summary of the week's 60 in 60. This was a tough week in terms of ranking the books, in part because a ranking is ludicrous on the face of it and in part because I enjoyed each of these books, but for vastly different reasons.There is also the relative weight of each book to consider. The Hazlitt was more enjoyable than The Communist Manifesto, but obviously has been less influential. Despite relying on my own personal context and not seeking out more information than provided in each Penguin edition, certain texts already come with built-in preconceptions for the reader. So Hazlitt entertained me and was clever, but I had little to say about it because of its relative lightness. Not so The Communist Manifesto--something more radical, which by its very nature provokes a longer response.In the coming week, Schopenhauer (which I've started this afternoon and am enjoying), Ruskin, Darwin, Nietzche, Woolf, Freud, and Orwell are on deck. Ruskin is an old friend, as are Woolf and Orwell. Nietzche and Freud I've previously encountered in excerpts only. It should be an interesting week.Thanks for reading, and, more importantly, for posting comments to both the texts and my thoughts about them.


Ambergris Music and Finch


60 in 60: #13 - Marx and Engels - The Communist Manifesto (Penguin's Great Ideas)