Read Desirina Boskovich's Celadon on Clarkesworld

The latest Clarkesworld includes Desirina Boskovich's short story Celadon, one of her first published pieces. In addition to the perk of having a great name for a future book cover, Boskovich has written a wonderfully surreal SF story; it's one both Ann and I like a lot. Here's a little excerpt: There had been life on this planet: a natural ecosystem. An endless network of worms crawled just beneath the surface. Enormous flocks of butterflies lived in the trees, roaming the oceans of moss. When they landed en masse, they could shroud a tree in shimmering snow. I just listened to the podcast, too, and it's great!Also in this issue you'll find a roundtable discussion of anthology editing with John Joseph Adams, Ellen Datlow, Jonathan Strahan, and James Lowder, and also including some thoughts from us.


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