Underland on NPR, Tachyon on io9 and Media Bistro

It's always nice to see the good ones get some attention--and I can tell you from personal experience that Victoria Blake at Underland and Jacob Weisman at Tachyon are two of the good ones. I've rarely been as stress-free in working with publishers as I have been with the two of them. Why? Both of them are organized, structured, and get things done.Victoria's Underland Press was just got profiled on NPR for her innovative wovel ideas. You can read her blog here, and she'll be guest blogging for a week in early February (in amongst 60-in-60 entries) when her first title, Brian Evenson's Last Days, comes out. (There's a limited of it, too.)Meanwhile, Jacob at Tachyon Publications is getting attention from both sides of the aisle--the literary mainstream in the form of a Media Bistro interview and genre in the form of an io9 feature.

Not does he get things done, he's got a sly sense of humor, a great idea of what will work and not work for a book, and the kind of unflappable personality you need in this business. That last quality was on display when my wife and I recently had a chance to have dinner with Jacob and his wife Rina, as well as Tachyon managing editor Jill Roberts--on election night, in San Francisco. We came out of the restaurant to find that the news in the presidential election had created a spontaneous celebration, with hundreds of people, in the street and on top of cars, making the intersection party central. Jacob was about as "flapped" as I've seen him, which is to say not very, even as he was clearly excited, too.Next up for Tachyon is James Morrow's Shambling Toward Hiroshima, set for release in February. The book already has a fun video:


Things You Find in Your House While Cleaning--Part III


Things You Find in Your House While Cleaning–Part II