Sending Emails in My Sleep

Until I saw this article, I thought I was just crazy--people kept replying to emails I couldn't remember sending. But it turns out if you sleepwalk, you can send emails in your sleep. Here are a few of the emails I sent out. Anybody had a similar experience?To Jay Lake:Puppet head. Puppet head. Bear head. There was a river full of snakes, but the land was made of mongeese gooses and they ate all the snakes. Puppet head. Again. Dude, your shirts blind me like Gawd.To Sonya Taaffe:RED 60 60 fer me. REEEED IT. YOU gots classics EDU. Me I gots other deadlines. Feel like a hick. Puppet head not for me. No, I will not take the puppet head. You heard about this river of Snakes? I think it's in the underworld.To Caitlin Kiernan:There was a wall with a hole in it and within the hole there was a rat and inside the rat there was a hole and inside that hole was a tunnel to a secret land and in that secret land there was a lost child and that lost child had a rat friend who had a bird friend who had a cat friend and before the blow came the rat inside the hole inside the tunnel blinked and the child's heart fluttered to life.To Jeffrey Ford:They put the concrete feet on me, but I had the concrete legs already so it didn't hurt so much. Don't cry for me, Chile. I had it coming. They should've put the concrete head on me ages ago. Where's that money you owe me, puppet head?To Catherine Cheek:Your zombie chickens scare me. Put PUPPET HEADS on them. Put puppet heads on them so they don't stare so, and don't give their eyes run of the house. Chicken scratch is chicken feed, but with a puppet head, it's puppet feed. Put it all in a handmade book and send it to Kansas. They'll know what to do with it there.To W:Your head is on backwards, puppet head. Let me help you with that, puppet head. The rat is watching.


Afterword to Michael Moorcock's Wizardry and Wild Romance


60 in 60: #25 - Cicero's An Attack on An Enemy of Freedom (Penguin's Great Ideas)