Be Your Own Worst Enemy: Say No. I Dare Ya.

Just a little aside re creating cool stuff and realizing a vision: People who start out saying "no" and "no, that can't be done" and "no, that's too ambitious" when you start talking about a creative process (perhaps even before you've finished explaining)...those people are already entering a downward spiral of lowered expectations. Don't be one of those people. (Which is not to say if Evil Monkey wants to partner with you making a perpetual motion machine you ought to take Evil up on his offer.)It'll sound like a motivational poster, but almost anything is possible if you have the practical knowledge or tools to support your vision--and you will it to happen.- Say yes to three creative opportunities that scare the crap out of you this year and you will experience tremendous personal growth.- Take one area you're weak in and make it a strength through practice and force of will.


60 in 60: #28 - Christine de Pizan's The City of Ladies (Penguin's Great Ideas)


Important Political Discovery