War of All Against All: Writers vs Editors vs Publicists vs Reviewers vs Readers vs Evil Monkey

(Taken from here.)We've discussedThe Top Five Things Writers Hate About (Editors)The Top Five Things Editors Hate About (Writers)Now, Evil Monkey has decided it'd be best to just have a cage match of all against all--in a friendly, we're-all-in-it-together family kinda way.So:writers vs editorseditors vs writerswriters vs reviewersreviewers vs writerswriters vs writerspublicists vs writerswriters vs publicistsreviewers vs publicistspublicists vs reviewersreviewers vs readersreaders vs writersreaders vs readerspublicists vs readerseditors vs readersbooks vs televisionevil monkey vs asparagusbrussel sprouts vs evil monkeyanybody vs anybody i left outetc.What do YOU, Spatula, hate about Collander? So to speak, and in a book / writer / reviewer / editor / etc. context...UPDATE: Livia Llewellyn has thoughtfully provided the following additional death matches in the comments section:* Professional writers against newbie writers* Newbie writers against wannabe writers* Wannabe writers against Publish America writers* PA writers against Lightning Source* Bloggers who’d like to write but just don’t have the time against non-published Writers with Great Ideas that can’t be written because you will all STEAL THEM* Non-published writers with Great Ideas against professional writers that wrote something that read suspiciously like they DONE STOLE their ideas from non-published writers with Great Ideas* Lulu-published cat-loving poets against Lulu-published war veteran memorialists* Writers who Livejournal against writers who use Wordpress* Writers who use Wordpress against writers who refuse to blog because they are better than all of you* Writers who use computers against writers who use typewriters against writers who use fountain pens and paper - three-way cage match, with tacks* Writers who anonymously troll their imagined enemies against writers who use sockpuppet armies against their imagined enemies* Science fiction writers against fantasy writers* Epic fantasy writers against urban fantasy writers* Urban fantasy writers against writers who write contemporary fantasy set in urban cities and are all pissed because they can’t call their novels “urban fantasy” anymore* Everyone against horror writers* Professional horror writers against that one horror-writing dude on the messages boards who can’t understand why there aren’t more nipples, rapes and beheadings in contemporary horror and you’re all just a bunch of pussy liberals* Ursula K. Le Guin against the Casting Society of America* Peter Watt against all of you* Wil Wheaton against John Scalzi, because velvet-painting payback is a bitch, man* Erotica writers against…fuck it. No, seriously, we’d rather just fuck


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