A Tour of the Southern Isles with Payseur & Schmidt

I just got off the phone with the fabulous Jacob McMurray and Therese Littleton of Payseur & Schmidt, one of the coolest publishers out there.I can now announce that I will be doing a somewhat Borgesian novella centered around the Southern Isles mentioned in the Ambergris books. They'll take the form of stories and information about each island, but will have interconnectivity and form a larger story. Like Nabokov's Pnin, reading the last story will make everything click into place, and what was fragments will become One True Story. Much like the history of the islands, which were created when an ancient continent broke apart in a cataclysm.The current form of the project--subject to change--will include a map of the islands, and also a complete Ambergris bibliography, by Mark Wingenfeld, including foreign editions, possibly examples of foreign covers, possibly some fake covers of editions that have never existed.I plan to finish the work before September and the tentative date of publication is early in 2010.Meanwhile, you really should check out their current project, which is just a beautiful collaboration between Paul Di Filippo and Jim Woodring:


Everything's Illuminated from Multiple Angles


60 in 60: #35 - Von Clausewitz's On the Nature of War (Penguin's Great Ideas)