Programming Note: Process Grumble-Curmudgeoning to Begin

(You can buy related merchandise here.)A few programming notes. First, Victoria Blake from Underland Press (and possibly some of her friends) will be guest blogging here from Feb. 1-14. Victoria is publishing my Finch as well as Brian Evenson's Last Days and was recently profiled on NPR for some innovative online practices. Then, Feb. 15- 21, Michael Phillips, a very interesting writer and blogger, will be taking the helm. I will be popping up from time to time. Normal programming will then resume.In the meantime, before I shove off to Australia next week, you may see some posts on process related to Booklife: Strategies and Survival Tips for 21st Century Writers, since I'm now in that kind of grumbling, curmudgeonly, pouty-lip mode where I'm grousing to myself, "I gotta finish what by when?! What unfair Gods, what unjust Heaven, hath put me in this position?" Well, the time remaining is just right for what I need to do, but that's not going to make me any less bear-like for awhile.The good news is, by the time I hit Australia I'll be all sweetness and light.


Books Received--Darwin and Poe (Bonus: Imaginary Beings and Grandson)


60 in 60: #36.5 - VanderMeer Teaching at Clarion South (Non-Penguin Crazy Idea)