Ann VanderMeer: Editor Guest of Honor at MidSouth Con, Memphis

Ann's been named the editor guest of honor for MidSouth Con in Memphis. She'll be doing a workshop and other cool stuff March 20-22. I'll be coming along and doing a workshop based on Booklife. This is Ann's first guest of honor gig and she's pretty thrilled.Other Vanderish events for the spring:February 12, 2009:Avid Reader Reading, Brisbane (while I'm teaching at Clarion South)(my favorite photo from Australia last time)April 30 - May 2, 2009: Ann and I are guests of the Eaton SF Conference, Riverside CA, participating on a Steampunk panel with Greg Bear, Kathleen Goonan, Tim Powers, and Rudy Rucker. We'll also be doing a signing.I should be able to announce one more very cool event for April shortly--and Shared Worlds, the Louisiana Book Festival, and World Fantasy Con are confirmed for later in the year.


Shriek: An Afterword--Genesis


MidSouth Convention 27, Memphis