60 in 60: To Resume Next Week

Still recovering from jetlag--it's taking a lot longer than I thought--but determined to complete the 60 in 60. I'll be resuming next week with #37, Henry David Thoreau's Where I Lived, and What I Lived For. You'll just have to trust me when I say I haven't read any of the remaining books in the period since I left off posting about them. (As it turns out, I didn't even bring any of them with me to Australia.) But I'm also going to only do the 60 in 60 on weekdays. It's a question of my sanity. So in a sense I'm going to limp to the finish line, but I'm still going to get there. I'm not sure exactly when next week I'll start up again. A lot depends on the jetlag.Here's the list of what's remaining for me re the 60 in 60:#38 - Thorstein Veblen's Conspicuous Consumption#39 - Albert Camus' The Myth of Sysyphus#40 - Hannah Arendt's Eichmann and the Holocaust#41 - Plutarch's In Consolation to His Wife#42 - Robert Burton's Some Anatomies of Melancholy#43 - Blaise Pascal's Human Happiness#44 - Adam Smith's The Invisible Hand#45 - Edmund Burke's The Evils of Revolution#46 - Ralph Waldo Emerson's Nature#47 - Soren Kierkegaard's The Sickness Unto Death#48 - John Ruskin's The Lamp of Memory#49 - Friedrich Nietzsche's Man Alone with Himself#50 - Leo Tolstoy's A Confession#51 - William Morris' Useful Work vs Useless Toil#52 - Frederick Jackson Turner's The Significance of the Frontier in American History#53 - Marcel Proust's Days of Reading#54 - Leon Trotsky's An Appeal to the Toiling, Oppressed Etc Etc#55 - Sigmund Freud's The Future of an Illusion#56 - Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction#57 - George Orwell's Books v. Cigarettes#58 - Albert Camus' The Fastidious Assassins#59 - Frantz Fanon's Concerning Violence#60 - Michel Foucault's The Spectacle of the Scaffold


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