Danny Fontaine and the Horns of Fury Bring the Heat

I have to admit--I'm not real fond of creators pimping themselves on Facebook beyond sharing links and stuff. I don't know that the format lends itself to aggressive self-promotion. Most of the stuff I get in my Facebook inbox I just delete. But Danny Fontaine recently sent me the following missive about the Horns of Fury through Facebook, and it's the kind of thing that gets around your defenses. Thought I'd share it here--especially since I like this band a lot. (Danny Fontaine [info at dannyfontaine.co.uk]; images theirs.)Jeff***This ain't spam yo, it's your humble narrator, Daniel P Fontaine, on behalf of 'imself and 'is loyal Horns Of Fury.I know I've sent a few more messages than normal out to y'all lately, but I'll give you a respite after this one, and hopefully you'll like this one anyway.So checkit, WE want more people to hear us, and YOU want free stuff. So if YOU post some of these 'widgets' about the interwebz, then we can strike up some kinda deal.Here's what I'm talking about - this isn't a signup thing, it's just copying a bit of code into your myspace/facebook/twitter etc etc - in fact when you click on the link you get an option to most ALL social networking websites. You can put them in blogs, bulletins, main pages, group pages etc.This (obviously) spreads the word for US, but why the kaJEEBIES would you wanna do it???We're all like: Help us! Help us!! Boohoo!!!And you're like: Pshh! Whatever dude! I ain't puttin' your STUPID widgets or whatever they're called on my supercool social networking website page!And then we're like: yeah but - we'll give you FREE STUFF!!And so then you're like: BITEME, horns of fury - I don't want no free VI4GR4 or 2 for 1 voucher at Zizzi!!And we're like: No, sillypants! We mean actual FREE stuff. Like a t-shirt. Or even a HOODY if you're very good. Or at least a CD. Or maybe even a song. Or a gig in your house. Or one of TMAG's toenails, or a piece of Mister Tats sandwich, or a signed poster, or a nice photo print (etc etc etc). In fact, you tell us what you want and we'll do a deal yo!And you're like: yeah that sounds good, but I didn't read enough of this email to find out before I deleted it! I don't really know who you are or how I got on this mailing list, and I haven't gotten round to unsubscribing - I musta seen you at some dingy venue when I was drunk and got bribed somehow by you to give up my precious email address.And we're like: oh.So anyway, if it sounds good, try a couple these links, or reply to this email for further info/deal striking.Music player widgetMailing list sign up widgetIn other news, we have MORE gigs.We'd thought we'd enter ourselves into the Virgin Road To V thing (complete with world's sh*tt*st website!) so click here for THAT if you haven't jumped out the window yet.And lastly but not leastly Fontaine's baby is due on June 2nd but is 4 weeks tooooo big, so we might hear the 21-gun salute a few weeks early!!!


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