Most Depressing Songs Ever?

(taken from here)So I was exercising with my ipod on shuffle and a cool little Eels song came up. Oh, what a cool little Eels song, thought I with the innocence of an ex-marmot. Then I started actually listening to the lyrics. Not only is the song depressing in a casual, general's kind of gross. (See below.)Curious as to what you'd describe as the most depressing songs ever? Examples of lyrics, please. (BTW--when searching for appropriate image, this is too funny.)JeffIt's a beautiful morningThe sky is black as inkThe city's sleeping stillAnd soon they'll wake upTo the stinkAnd soon they'll wake upTo the stink of life passing them byWake up and smell the stink of their livesThe garbage trucks are comingTo take your shit to the dumpYou're smelling pretty nowSuch a pretty little lumpA pretty little lump of fleshWho's lost your wayAnother night another day...etc.- The Other Shoe




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