Weird Tales & Da Hugo, Memphis, and SF/F Markets

photo_031909_009(Ann couldn't pick up this huge billiard ball, but I'm sure she could pick up a Hugo...)First up, thrilled for Ann (and Stephen Segal) that Weird Tales is up for a Hugo for the first time in its history. I hope it wins. I also think Ann should've been up for best editor given not just WT but also the anthos she co-edited last year, but so it goes. Let's not be greedy, shall we? (Congrats to all the nominees--limited internets here in Memphis, so no link, but I'm sure you can find it.)Second up, Memphis photos, including metal lizard shell thingee and much more.Third up, Sean Wallace has a break down of the percentage of new writers in several prominent genre magazines in 2008, which is worth reproducing here:F&SF: 5%Analog: 5%Asimov's: 20%Baen's Universe: 21%Intergalactic Medicine Show: 32%Interzone: 40%Realms of Fantasy: 51%Clarkesworld: 61%Strange Horizons: 68%Weird Tales: 72%Chizine: 78%Fantasy Magazine: 88%If I were a new writer, this would probably make me consider focusing my efforts on Asimov's and Weird Tales in addition to mostly online sources. Consider also that the main reason to get into Asimov's or F&SF beyond trad prestige factors would be their virtual stranglehold on the Hugos and Nebulas. But the Hugos in particular tend not reward new writers. (Am I wrong? Tell me if so.)Dear readers: The world is shifting. Are you shifting with it?Which of these subjects do you want to discuss? I don't care. Surprise me.


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