
Well, I give up. I'm going to be on Facebook through my mobile phone, so I've synched up Facebook and my Twitter. If you want to follow me on Twitter, my Facebook status will post there, along with links to blog posts. I'm not a huge Twitter fan, but that means I'll have a presence there until that daft micro-fragmentation platform withers away (right about the time that the nano-dinosaurs decide to re-upload into their former mighty sizes and do away with electricity and the intertubes entirely). I should also soon synch up my blog to Facebook. Fact is, Facebook is getting very crowded, and it's definitely headed in the direction of becoming a robust networking tool. I'm not sure I really like that, but I'm also not willing to fight it.So:Me on TwitterMe on FacebookMe on Crackbook. (I meant this as a joke, but when I Googled actually existed!)Me on Fartbook.If anyone cares. Frankly, we'll see if I'm on either in a month, but I do find that when I'm out and about, it's not much of a distraction to post from my phone. I tend to agree with Charlie Stross that in a sense these social media platforms are just glorified public versions of email. On the other hand, a couple of creative projects have been started because of connections made through Facebook, so...


FML: Good, Bad, Ugly?


Music Acquired--Like-y/No Like-y?