Blog Favorites

Someone emailed me today and asked what's on my blog favorites list on my browser. It's pretty sparse, frankly. I've pared it down quite a bit because I was just sick of being overwhelmed with information, and also I have a low b.s. threshold at the moment. What's on there now is a combo of blogs that I think of as "no bullshit zones," blogs I'm just curious about recently and may or may not have staying power, a couple of news/review sites (Barnes & Noble has been publishing some really high-quality reviews), and then a few blogs of friends (which, coincidentally, all qualify as "no-b.s. zones," too; I have good friends). This doesn't include stuff I browse casually every once in awhile. And I'm sure I'll go back to having a longer list, but for now this is more than enough, especially since plenty of intel comes in through email every day.MaxboxingForbidden PlanetJohn CoulthartSilence WithoutBarnes & Noble ReviewOmnivoraciousBlog o' BeerThe MumpsimusAngela SlatterBibliophile StalkerJacob McMurrayCheryl's MewsingsEnter the OctopusEric OrchardMy Whole Expanse I Cannot See


So, What're You Doing This Weekend?


A Drifting Life