Shared Worlds 2009--Teens Can Apply Now

(Me, nattering on...)Shared Worlds 2 has been finalized, and you can find the information about the camp below. I'll be there for two weeks and Ann for one week. The plan is for Tobias Buckell to helm a creative writing track in week two, but the final distribution of tasks/teaching responsibilities depends at least in part on the final head count. Holly Black will be coming in for a couple of days. Will Hindmarch will also be there for the second week, workin' his magic.This is a pretty unique camp, I think, and one that the teenagers last year had a lot of fun at, while they also learned a lot. And it's only going to get better and better.***Shared Worlds, an innovative two week workshop in fantasy and science fiction worldbuilding is currently seeking applications for attendance from students grade eight to twelve who have an interest in creative writing and fantasy worldbuilding.The program is held from July 19 through August 1 on the campus of Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC, and offers an intensely creative atmosphere in which students learn all aspects of building their own fictional world through instruction in creative writing, history, art, philosophy and physics and then apply that knowledge by creating fiction, games and more.This year's instructors include assistant director and two time World Fantasy Award winning author Jeff VanderMeer, Weird Tales fiction editor Ann VanderMeer, role playing game designer Will Hindmarch, Spiderwick Chronicles creator Holly Black and New York Times bestselling author Tobias Buckell, plus Wofford College's own Dr. Christine Dinkins, philosophy professor, and Jeremy Jones, lecturer and camp director.Although the emphasis of this think tank for teens is on fantasy, according to Jeff VanderMeer the things that the participants learn will be very useful in real life."This really is a unique opportunity for talented teens to mix having fun and flexing their imaginations with developing skills that will serve them well no matter what they decide to do with their lives."Tuition is $2,250 and includes room, board, instruction and all needed program material. Students who pay in full before May 1st will receive a discount of $250. A limited number of partial scholarships ($500) are available.


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