Six Shooter Interview and Books Received, fer a Busy, Chaotic Monday

Monday books received added to the end of this post.Note: This is a living, breathing post that will keep changing in small but significant ways all day, like--a squirrel helping me figure out edits to one last Finch passage being difficult, or more incoming books, or this weird video, which used to be this weird video until I realized how disturbing it was!Feeling like this right now?Had a bloodshot weekend? Love books? Gonna have a crappy Monday?Here's me yammering on about fictional characters, not understanding books, why you should ignore me as a curmudgeon, etc. That should make it crappier. Then, as antidote, check out this lovely winter-ish post involving a graveyard of abandoned shoes and two amateur private detectives exploring a building.As further antidote, here's some eye candy for ya.Me, I've got four introductions to various books to write this week, three reviews, four Amazon features, and a patridge in a pear tree. Rest for the weary? Not bloody likely. Getting to "Borne" this week? No. Not at all. (Next week? Yes, or go nuts.)Likey the book eye candy? Gots yer own books received or bought? Feel free to give the linkage in the comments.Also, which of these books are you most looking forward to? Why?(top sekrit government project...)As for that last one, heh, much more in an Amazon feature soon.


Spectacular Characters in Flawed Novels


Weekend Nightmare Relived: Return to Chuck E Cheese