Best American Fantasy--Offering Review Copies

We've got some extra copies of Best American Fantasy 2008. If you're a blogger or reviewer interested in reading and covering this title, send me an email at vanderworld at and I'll see what I can do to hook you up. Please include your address and the media outlet/blog you represent in your initial query to save some time.Meanwhile, SF Site has a review of BAF2 in which Paul Kincaid chokes on the word "American" and makes a pretty crappy sweatshop joke. Um, Paul--Mexico has its own language. It is called Spanish, and most of the best writers down there, well, they write in it...[point being, as per below, that it would require more resources, time, editorial assistance, etc., to be able to identify and then translate such work for inclusion].That uses up my allotted respond-to-reviews word count for the year, so rest assured even if you loathe BAF2 when you review it, I ain't comin' after ya. LOL. Cheers.


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