Moving Dragon Head...Again

(Do Erin and Ann look happy about moving the dragon head? Um, no.)So it was dragon head movin' time again, since Erin's moving to Amsterdam with grandson Riley. Some of you may remember the original dragon head posts (part 1 and part 2), in which we bought it in St. Augustine and managed somehow, despite being shoved up in our car's front seats, to drive it back three hours to our house. The dragon head was rescued from a temporary "Destination China" exhibit somewhere in Orlando--at least that's what the St. Augustine antiques dealer told us.Now it was time to find a way to get it from Erin's house to ours...(Erin suggesting we wait for the bus, since we can't figure out how to get it in the car...)(The US Postal Service was unhelpful...)(Finally, the guy next door came out and agreed to take it in his truck, which already seemed prepped for transporting such a thing...)(Erin's not sure this plan is going to work...)(We stop to buy some essentials...)(...including Riley's art,, will fit in fine with Ann's mom's impressionistic paintings...)(But, finally, we get it home and it takes its rightful place alongside Sir Tessa-gifted giant penguin and giant spider...)


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