Helsinki Escalates Penguin Wars

(Sick of penguin wars? Well, I'm not.)Trusted spy correspondent Juha Tupasela provides valuable intel on an escalation I was unaware of:"Your influence continues to be seen here in the far north, now in the form of heavily armed penguins (you will of course recall the plague of mushroom infiltrators I told you about earlier this year). It looks like the penguin wars that you've been publicizing over the past months have spilt over into Helsinki in the form of posters advertising a heavy metal festival. I can't explain it, but somehow you seem to have tapped into Helsinki's vibe, or Helsinki has tapped into your vibe. Either way, this connection promises interesting times ahead for the city. I'm sorry for the poor quality of the photo, it was taken in the middle of morning rush hour on the metro. I'll try to get a better one later this week."It's kind of Juha to blame me for the penguin thing, but it's actually the fault of native species.I will await further intel. But, as usual, me 'n' Helsinki--we're good buds.


Books Received: Matt Bell Collecting, Hall's Sad Stories, Tomine's Optic Nerve Shortcomings, and More!


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