"Predecessor" from Conjunctions Now Online (along with Hand, Marcus, and Carroll)

When I posted about Conjunctions and my story "Predecessor" the other day, I didn't realize they'd also put the story online, along with a few others. Here's the link to the main page, and to the individual stories."Predecessor""The great man's home lay within thick woods, beyond a churning river crossed only by a bridge that looked like it had been falling apart for many years. The woods were dark and loamy and took the sound of our transport like a wolf taking a rabbit. The leaves passed above us in patterns of deep green shot through with glints of old light. There was the smell of something rich yet suspect in the chilled air."***Introduction by Bradford Morrow and Brian Evenson"To be human is to experience, at times, the sensation of feeling betwixt and between. To witness the relative comfort of the familiar disrupted by the unexpected, confused by some antithetical force that, however briefly, destroys the “normal.” In literary terms, the crisis that necessarily evolves from such a disruption is very often the bedrock of narrative. How does the fictive character work through the betwixt-and-between nature of life toward some denouement, some resolution, or else some fresh windmill to tilt at that will once more destroy any hard-earned balance?""Hungerford Bridge" by Elizabeth Hand"I hadn't heard from Miles for several months when he wrote to ask if I wanted to get together for lunch. Of course I did, and several days later I met him at a noisy, cheerful restaurant at South Bank. It was early February, London still somewhat dazed by the heavy snowfall that had recently paralyzed the city. The Thames seemed a river of lead; a black skim of ice made the sidewalks treacherous—I’d seen another man fall as I’d walked from Waterloo Station—and I wished I’d worn something warmer than the old wool greatcoat I’d had since college.""Secret Breathing Techniques" by Ben Marcus"I had apparently been living in one of the towns that was now gone. According to reports, I held my own against one of the younger organizations. I fought well and long. The ending of the report is muddy, with many foreign words and phrases, and an indecipherable series of pictures. There is no clear sense that I survived.""The Stolen Church" by Jonathan Carroll"Tina and Stanley Wykoff stood waiting for the elevator to arrive. Both of them were nervous. Both were dressed nicely but still kept checking each other constantly to make sure nothing was wrong—no zipper open, no button undone, no unruly hair sticking out in the wrong direction."


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