Amy Stewart's Wicked Plants: Bear vs Castor Bean, Whomping Willows, and Terrifying Mushrooms

I truly love this book, and was fortunate enough to catch Amy Stewart between gigs and interview her for Omnivoracious. Check it out--it's a good one, and funny.Jeff the Silly: Imagine this scenario. You're up against a Kodiak bear. You have the ability to conjure up a six-foot version of any of the plants in your book to help fend it off. Which plant, and why?Amy Stewart: Hmmm, I'm going to need something fast-acting, so that rules out castor bean, and I guess it also rules out the coyotillo shrub, which is cool because it causes paralysis--but later. So I'm going with curare, a South American vine that can be used on poison arrows. It's actually a muscle relaxant, but it works so fast that it causes birds to fall out of trees. This assumes, of course, that the Whomping Willow is not available...Also check out just how great the book is design-wise, in addition to the amazing PR kit for reviewers:


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Re-Imagining the Situation