Books Received--Late May 2009, Thirty Years Before The Collapse

(Paul Riddell has abandoned genre/pop culture commentary for a kinder, gentler world, but that doesn't mean his rants, diatribes, analyses, and assorted other forms of nonfiction kung-fu have vanished off the face of the earth. Two volumes--Greasing the Pan and The Savage Pen of Onan--have just appeared from Fantastic Books. They provide a compelling, telling snapshot of a genre and genre culture from an outsider's point-of-view--and an outsider with nothing to lose. No stories to place in anthologies. No novels to worry about shepherding into the world. His might be a minority opinion at times, it might be too brash at times, but genre needed and still needs the gut-check. Genre also needs the self-assurance to welcome such discourse. Check 'em out)Yes, well, you've guessed it: another books post, with commentary. You're just going to put up with it this week. Next week: more variety! This week: it's a steady death-march diet of books, books, books, and you'd damn well better like it, folks...I loves me the Moomin, by Tove. Volume 4 looks as tasty as the first three--thank you Drawn and Quarterly, you're doing great work with these beautiful volumes. Somewhere in Moominland, them trolls is appreciative. A must-have/must-buy for any people who have eyes connected to a brain stem.A truly gorgeous advance reading copy (who knew there was such a thing?), with French flaps and everything. The follow-up to The Name of the Wind. Reading it for review at B&NR, and so far so good.Master of crime novels James O. Born ventures into SF with this tale of aliens and a United States crumbling into ruin, set 20 years in the future. Detective Tom Wilner is a veteran of the Second Iranian War and uncovers a conflict that dates back hundreds of years...I'd be very surprised if movie rights to this one weren't snapped up immediately.I can't say I have any reaction to Impossible Motherhood. Just the words on the cover have made me go "what?" No idea.These look like very entertaining books for kids.I strongly advise you to pick up all of the Midsummer Night's Press books--these three are wonderful in presentation and content. Schimel's is particuarly cool and sly. I hope to blog about them on Omnivoracious soonish.More frothy goodness from Drawn and Quarterly. Not familiar with Melvin Monster, but will be shortly....And then Drawn and Quarterly outdoes themselves and gives us absolutely amazing George Sprott treasury. Oversized, brilliant.More impossibility from an old master who's habits are incurable, and the first salvo by the talented Mark Teppo, who despite dressing in rabbit clothing from time to time is an up-and-comer to watch.The cover of the Sanderson is, forgive me, so stupid I was going to pass on reviewing this one or featuring it, but Mike Moorcock has contributed a blurb, so I'll give it a try. The other looks like a fun adventure romp, and I'll definitely be featuring it on Omnivoracious.Nick Mamatas sends me some lovin' from Viz Media, which he now works for.I received two of these Judith Tarr trade paperbacks, plus the hardcover, and have already featured the book on Amazon. First two who call dibs on them in comments below, just send a self-addressed stamped envelope that can hold a trade paperback to POB 4248, Tallahassee, FL 32315, I'll send you a copy. Just try to blog about it to reward the nice publicist who sent them.See, they even have Leffe in space. Two potential blockbusters. I can't say I'm fond of space opera in the short form, but somebody must be since this is the second volume. And Brennan is a rising powerhouse of a writer.I know nothing about these two...nothing at all...Grand finale--new Rudy Rucker novel! He who be the master of squidulousness.


Books Acquired on Vacation Jaunt: Perec, Arreola, Nabokov, Hipflask, and More


Wolf's Head Books...and the Allure of Old-School Lurid?