New Weird Reading List

For those who might be looking for more strange books to read, Steven Klotz, who was kind enough to ask our permission, has posted the recommended reading list from our New Weird anthology, along with some other thoughts on the book.Does New Weird still exist? Did it ever exist? Read the book to get the context to make up your own mind.Situation on the ground: China Mieville still uses the term, and reviewers still use the term for his work and for the work of others.Reality regardless: Works are New Weird, not authors.Bottom line: New Weird looks like a more valid term now than it did even 18 months ago. Maybe in another 18 months, it'll look like piss and vinegar again.The Interrogation: Am I New Weird? Absolutely not. That'd be like saying I am completely made of fingernails or grasshoppers or bags of blood. Part of me is weird and part of me is new and part of me is transmutating into a thing even newer still, and the other 70% is...water. Or something like that.All of this is true. None of this is true.


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