Interesting or Crap? (and: Yer Questions Taken Now)

So, a few people asked me what was up with the hat, and where the heck the photo was taken. Ann took it in St. Augustine, and it's made from some poor dead animal. This shop was full of somewhat interesting stuff. For your Friday bemusement, some of the shiny below the cut.Also, I'm working here just about all day with constant rain and Black Motor Cycle Club's Howl playing in the background. You gots a question for me, the hat, or Evil Monkey, lay it on me. I need the breaks. And if you've got no questions, just look at the purty pictures.This place had a penchant for arranging objects by subject without regard for design similarities. Thus, this is their chaotic "sea" shelf, I would imagine:I'm not quite sure of the theme here except "misc. crap", but it might be something along the lines "pale women surrounded by stuff"...No idea what this was from, but it was the coolest thing in the place.Now there's an example of the Florida tourist crapola I know and tolerate.At least half the people who originally owned these match boxes are probably dead and buried.Vintage Lego?A postcard tree! Whoopee!I draw your attention to the weird half-moose thingee...This utterly lousy representation of some kind of catfish, done like it was a kid's project in elementary school, was selling for a ridiculous price.At this point, these cameras are really just artifacts, as functional as a pet rock.Yes, Virginia, there are indeed vast landfills of Pez dispensers because we are a wasteful people and needed our candy to be properly handed to us through the mouths of representations of animated characters.Back in those innocent days, there was truth in advertising...Hey! Not cool! You should accrue fewer points the closer to a head shot you get! What the hell you trying to teach little Johnny about the value of life?! Grrr.Yes, you are correct, that is a hand-blown clown in the background. The one in the front...not so much.Of course, what did I buy? The gun that functions as a dual music box and alcohol dispenser...


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