China Mieville's Five Movements to Watch Out For; Are There Only *Five*?

Because I am a smart-arse, this might be my favorite of China Mieville's guest posts this week, although the next one contains some mighty awesome ideas.In a nutshell, China writes that "It's been a while since we've had some red-hot literary-movement action...I thought we could save a bit of time by naming a few movements in advance, then writing books to fit. That way we could start arguing about them without having to wait through those tiresome publication schedules."He then sets out five such movements:Zombiefail '09-ismPost-ElegiasmLitFic PraetoriansNoirdSalvagepunkHe's even got guidelines for discussion, like for Zombiefail:What to say: 'It's a cultural tragedy, this commodified camp of the Death Drive.'What not to say: 'Moar Brainzz!'But I think there are probably more. Are there more? I know the Romantic Underground has come and gone. We all know the fate of the New Weird--although it looks like it's about to be shoehorned into the Noooooirdddd--and the Mundanes are still glowering out there somewhere...but what else? C'mon folks. Put on your prediction hats. We can dispense with a ton of other nascent movements in about ten seconds flat and get on with our lives.Seriously, though--go read the piece. It's a classic.


Shared Worlds Podcast Interview at Agony Column


Omnivoracious Interview with Mieville