Speak for the Tick, Capybara

I swear I'll stop talking about capybaras on this blog, but someone had mentioned Speak, the capybara on The Tick that The Tick thinks is a dog, until his sidekick Arthur takes Speak to the vet. (Speak only speaks twice in the whole history of the show.)Here's more from wikipedia that's just too funny. And now I'm done talking about capybaras.In his own right Speak's appearance was unusual for a capybara in that he appeared to lack any kind of neck and his head was much larger in comparison to his body than is true for a capybara. Although described as "moist" he was rarely seen in the water, but this likely came from the constraints of living in the characters' apartment. Unrelated to his "capybara-ness" he also had a kind of eczema and a runny nose.Speak generally lived in the cupboard beneath the sink in Arthur's kitchen. He appears to have been completely terrified of the Tick. The Tick was, of course, completely oblivious to this.


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